Tuesday, July 29, 2014

So, what's next?

So, what's next? How do we deal? 
Don't overthink it. 

1. Play Mini Golf in the thick, summer heat (and win) 

2. Escape the city, and drive North. 

 3. Never stop being a kid. Play, play and then play some more. 

4. Fall in love with local flowers. 

5. Go on and get your best friend hitched and send her off to California. 

6. Picnic, as often as possible. 

7. Stay dirty, stay wild, stay barefoot. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

rinse + repeat, no more.

sorry for the radio silence, i'm out learning lessons. 

and spending a lot of time in the sun. 

because these days, sun time = figuring-out-altered-life time