Saturday, February 22, 2014

malleable (a)

In my family, the cousin army rules. And, the cousin army is fierce and full of cousin mind meld (and a lot of love). It's not just that they get you (but, we definitely have that on lock down), it's that part where they push you and tell you what you don't-want-to-hear-but-kind-of-want-to-hear-but-it's-a-total-pain-in-the-ass-gut-check. 

Today, the gut check came by way of a phone call that ends all phone calls from one of the masters. MALLEABLE. Buzzword? Word of the day? Random topic of conversation? #noneoftheabove

An adjective used to describe me. Well, shit. It stung. And, therefore stuck and lingered for a few hours. Like, whaaaaat do I do with that? So- i'm malleable. Ok. 

"It's not the lack of a good, it's the presence of bad...." - KH

Which way are you going to go with it, ay? Malleability doesn't have to suck, but how are you choosing to let that be part of you. I got called out on all accounts of Malleable, option A. 
I over-trust, i over-involve, i buy into all the surface-y karma talk, i think we are all one and we are all connected, i let what I do define me, I give tank-tops to random strangers at the studio who forgot clothes for class, I meet people and instantly latch, I live in grocery stores and could talk to anyone about what is in their basket.... #malleablecity

"It's not the lack of a good, it's the presence of bad...."- KH

But, the cousin army is telling me I don't have to stick in the A. 

So, what is it? A? 
Having the capacity to let your environment, your situation influence you? Letting your injury define you? 

Or B? 

To have great capacity, to let change happen, to let (the fuck) go of your old life and start living with your next breath. 

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